Friday, August 22, 2008

Oil Company Profits in America

There is something seriously wrong with American oil companies making record profits when the cost of fuel is so high. The logic does not make sense. When the cost of crude oil increases doesn't this increase the supply costs for some of these oil companies? Are these companies profiteering at the expense of everyone?

American oil companies have had tax breaks, and it's time to remove these "gifts". They definitely can cover their expenses because they are making record profits, so there is no fear that these companies will pass on the expenses to the consumers. If they do, then the government should look into this further and try to prevent it.

The next smart thing to do with the extra tax revenue is to invest it in alternative energies. More money needs to be put into these types of programs, and in my next post I will explain a basic idea of how to help the United States out of it's economic slump.

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