I am a Christian, yet I believe that fighting for a set public prayer time in public schools is a waste of energy and resources. There are much greater battles that need to be fought (e.g. the forced teaching of all evolution as fact without allowing other viewpoints to be heard).
It is the responsibility of the parents to provide their children with the religious education they deem fit. Children can pray whenever they want on their own time, and adding extra time in school does not make sense. The time is unnecessary, and it gives the appearance that Christians are forcing their viewpoints on all others. If we do not want to have other people's doctrine forced on us then we should not force ours on them. The children are not being prevented from praying on their own, and if there are cases (other than the one I state below), then these type of situations should be fought for.
To all the people who are fighting for prayer in school, please spend your energy on changes that will be more effective. Spend this time fighting for free speech where teenagers are being told they can't pray before their high school football games. This is a serious affront and insult to Christians.
Public prayer time in school will not make better behaved Christian children, and it will not change the moral fabric of the United States. Public prayer should always be a personal decision and not mandated by the government. The government should never impose or prohibit a person's right to free speech, and this includes prayer.
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